Welcome to a website dedicated to the work and interests of Katie Barton of Colorado. In both her career and personal life, Katie Barton has taken a great interest in helping people and animals in need. As the owner and operator of KT Dog Services, Katie Barton ensures that the dogs she works with remain active and are living happy and healthy lives.

Katie Barton of Colorado is a lifelong dog lover who earned a certification in dog training in order to serve the dogs in her local communities better. Whether people need their dog taken for a walk or trained to stop jumping on the couch, Katie Barton is happy to assist. Earlier in her career, Katie Barton of Colorado worked for a no-kill dog shelter in Denver. Her experiences at MaxFund were deeply rewarding as she witnessed the progress of dogs under her training and management. Katie Barton is a firm believer that all dogs have kind souls. Even those with a history of behavioral issues, such as biting, can be trained and rehabilitated.

As any dog lover knows, there’s nothing quite like the joy that comes from a dog happy to see you walk through the door. Dogs are naturally positive animals, so Katie Barton of Colorado has always had a philosophy to lean on positive reinforcement when training. Many trainers turn to chokers and other means of reprimanding to curb bad behavior. However, there’s plenty of research out there that shows these methodologies don’t work in the long-term. Humans who take an authoritarian approach can treat their dogs with love and affection and get the desired results. Dogs will often take on the demeanor of the owners. When people are able to surround their animals with positive energy, it can lead to a major boost in their pet’s mood.

Katie Barton’s love of dogs extends to all animals. Future blog posts will touch on everything from how first-time dog owners can train their puppies effectively to how people can locate opportunities to volunteer at their local animal shelters. There are incredible organizations that help animals in need of shelter, food, water, and more. All volunteers are greatly appreciated.

As a person of Christian faith, Katie Barton of Colorado believes strongly in treating others as one would like to be treated. Having volunteered for several charitable organizations, it becomes clear that the volunteers often gain more than the people they are helping. There are few greater joys in life than making a positive impact and seeing the appreciation on another person’s face. This same logic is applied whenever an animal responds to positive reinforcement. Katie Barton loves volunteering with her husband and seeing how small acts of kindness can lead to such positivity.

Another opportunity this website provides is the ability to share information on causes near and dear to Katie Barton’s heart. As a board member for a non-profit called Awaken Your Lioness Spirit, Katie Barton takes great pride in the work being done to help at-risk women leaving prison adjust back to civilian life. Many of these women would be set up for failure without organizations like Awaken Your Lioness Spirit in place.

There are so many amazing organizations out there. Katie Barton will use this website to shed light on organizations that help both children and women in need. Having volunteered for years at Operation Christmas Child, Katie Barton has seen the difference simple acts of kindness can make on a person’s life. By sharing information and writing blogs on ways people can get involved in their local community, Katie knows that if this website helps just one person, it will have been worth it.

People should understand that giving back isn’t always about a monetary donation. There are numerous ways to utilize one’s skills to benefit an organization. As a former professional photographer, Katie Barton is always looking at ways she can use these skills to help charitable organizations take pictures that can help drive awareness of their brand via social media. Whatever your unique skillset happens to be, there are ways to put those talents to use for others.